воскресенье, 26 февраля 2012 г.

Healthy Lifestyle Advisors (Recreation Therapy)
 hobby hour- lesure timefulfillment - enjoyment. hobby-horse - kid's toy whis is made of a stick and a horse head(not real) attached to it.
intake- things that you eat or "put inside" your organism.essential - very important. implement - to keep to smth, a sort of a rule.“All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.” - that means that you should not only work but have a rest too.elimination- the prosess of taking out of  something from your organism.bliss- to feel happy.
procrastinate- to waste time.
this is our presentation especcialy for this theme

<iframe src="https://show.zoho.com/embed?id=1305436000000004015" height="335" width="450" name="Healthy lifestyle" scrolling=no frameBorder="0" style="border:1px solid #AABBCC"></iframe>

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