понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.

How music works
Part 1
1)Like the words in the language, melody can express many emotions like love and loss, insipire patriotism or hate.
2) Pentatonic - is a music system based on 5 tones which  present in every nation and country. It is important because from these 5 notes you can create as many beautiful songs as you want.
3) The names of notes in English are the first 7 letters of the Alphabet: A, B, C, D, E, F and G
4) The number of runs in  each culture is different, for exaple, there are 12 runs in the  Western music scale.
5) pitch is частота.
Part 2
1) Interval is a distance between notes, semitone is  is the smallest musical interval commonly used in Western tonal music , Whole tone is a musical interval between 2 tone on a musical ladder.
2) the presenter wanted to show that the same note with different tones can sound differently but only a man with good music sence can hear the difference.
3) The presenter juxtaposes music composing to story-telling because you can insert whatver meaning you want, you can retell the story in one composition.
4)mode- лад. is a type of scale.
5)to sharpen note is to make it sound higher. to flatten note is to make a note sound more plain.
Part 3
1)Diatonic is a system, where all the instruments and all the singers can play together. The idea is to take one or two old notes and make them a pattern for the whole piece of music.
2)Minor modes sound sad, major modes sound merry and joyful. 

3)They are progressive because most of the instruments we have nowadays, e.g. flutes, trumpets etc, can only play in a certain mode and can only play a limited number of notes. Different instruments "speak different language" and they can "communicate" with each other or play together.
Part 4
1)The first tone of the melody is presented in tis basic form. It is not overcomplicated. Than minor key can turn to the major. Some minutes later another melody interrupts the first. Its short and dramatic. By the end of the concerto the melody involves the variations, but we never hear it again so as simple as it was in the beginning. 

Part 5
1) Sting associates  British sound (dorian mode) with modern industry 
2) African Folk tunes, simplicity optimistic mood, proportions.


1)How do you think,is rhythm so important for music?
2)Where from rhythm is come?
3)How can we call speed on Italian?
4)What is it "swing"?
1) That's because the rhythm is the thing that most people like about music so much.
2) The word rhythm is believed to come from the Greek word ‘Rhein’ meaning to flow orstream
Rhythm is when things happen in the flow of time. In music, rhythm is about when notes, chords, 
and other musical sounds begin and end.
4) Swing music, or simply swing, is a form of American music that developed in the early 1930s 
and became a distinctive style by 1935. Swing uses a strong rhythm section of double bass and 
drums as the anchor for a lead section of brass instruments such as trumpets and trombones, 
woodwinds including saxophones and clarinets, and sometimes stringed instruments such as 
violin and guitar, medium to fast tempos, and a "lilting" swing time rhythm.

суббота, 26 мая 2012 г.

Lesson 10
  • What kind of child was little James Cameron? Do you think he was a popular boy at school? Do you think you would like to have such a friend then you were at school?
  • How did the time Cameron grew in (the 60s) shape his personality? How does your time influence you as a person?
  • Two activities were very important for young Cameron - drawing and diving. Can you explain why? What are the important activities in your life?
  • Have you seen the Abyss? Terminator 2? Which computer graphics did Cameron introduce there? What is your impression of such special effects? 

  • Listen to what James Cameron says about making Avatar and Titanic.What impression do you get - what does he like more: to imagine or to explore? What do you like better of the two?
  • What lessons has Cameron learned? Do you agree with his conclusions?

1)I think, at school James was a kind of a geek, as says himself and at school he was not popular. I believe, that to have such a friend would have been a great thing for me because I share his interest in scince fiction, so we would have had a lot of things to talk about. 

2)His time hasn't influenced much on his pesonality.And I don't think that my time influence my life either. The thing that buids my personality is my cirle of people with whom I socialize every day. The attitude towards things - is the thing that is formed by the time you live in and not the personality. 

3)Probably, through diving he could get to know something that he didn't know before and with the help of drawing he could imagine things wanted to see.

4)I have seen Terminator 2 and not only once. Cameron introduced there a  thing that he used before in "The Abyss", "liqud water creature" as he calls it. When I saw it it was the year 2000 if I'm not mistaken, so I was really impressed because I've never seen such things before.

I think he combines two things together. Imagination helpes him to explore(he said that when he was  going though the Titanic corridors operating robot he actually could say that would be in the next turn.) and exploration helps him to imagine. I think both: when I'm too lazy too explore I can always imagine something.

5) The first is that curiosity is the most powerful thing you've got, the second - imagination can actually amnifest the reality  , and the third is that team respect is the most importan thing in your work. I totally agree with it.
My newsreel on mindomo. 
I did it before in the class, and that presentation was on my account in ZohoShow, but here it is again.
Hometask for  lesson 5

PicLit from PicLits.com
See the full PicLit at PicLits.com

воскресенье, 26 февраля 2012 г.

Healthy Lifestyle Advisors (Recreation Therapy)
 hobby hour- lesure timefulfillment - enjoyment. hobby-horse - kid's toy whis is made of a stick and a horse head(not real) attached to it.
intake- things that you eat or "put inside" your organism.essential - very important. implement - to keep to smth, a sort of a rule.“All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.” - that means that you should not only work but have a rest too.elimination- the prosess of taking out of  something from your organism.bliss- to feel happy.
procrastinate- to waste time.
this is our presentation especcialy for this theme

<iframe src="https://show.zoho.com/embed?id=1305436000000004015" height="335" width="450" name="Healthy lifestyle" scrolling=no frameBorder="0" style="border:1px solid #AABBCC"></iframe>

суббота, 25 февраля 2012 г.

10 Февраля 2012
Ученые заявили, что нашли ответ на вопрос, зачем зебрам эти особенные черные и белые полосы. Исследование, опубликованное в Журнале "Экспериментальная Биология", показало, что эти полосы делают зебр менее привлекательными для насекомых.

Существует множество теорий, объясняющих наличие у зебр этих неповторимых полос. Ученые считают, что каждая зебра имеет свой уникальный окрас, который служит ей "камуфляжем"  от других животных. Другими словами, масса из черных и белых полос в большом стаде служит зебрам  камуфляжем, отпугивающим хищников.
Но эта команда ученых решила точно выяснить, какой эффект оказывают полосы на наиболее злостных и вездесущих врагов зебр - кровососущих слепней.
В ходе исследований команда поместила модели 3 зебр( 1- черную, 2- белую и 3- полосатую) в зону кишащую мухами. Когда они подсчитали количество мух садившихся на каждую из моделей, оказалось, что полосатую зебру атаковало наименьшее число насекомых. 
Исследователи считают, что у зебр был предок, имевший черный окрас, который затем перешел в полосатый в ходе эволюции, для защиты от кусачих насекомых, переносящих болезни, ставших бичом большинства лошадиных стад.

Факты о Чаке Норрисе)
  1. Слезы Чака Норриса лечат рак. Но он так крут, что никогда не плачет. Вообще.
  2. Чак Норрис никогда не спит. Он выжидает.
  3. Чак Норрис в настоящее время судится с каналом NBC, утверждая, что «Закон» и «Порядок» — это зарегистрированные товарные знаки его левой и правой ноги.
  4. Основной экспортируемый продукт Чака Норриса — страдания.
  5. Если вы видите Чака Норриса, он видит вас. Если вы не видите Чака Норриса, возможно, вам осталось жить всего несколько секунд.
  6. Чак Норрис досчитал до бесконечности. Дважды.
  7. Чак Норрис не ходит на охоту, потому что слово «охотиться» подразумевает возможность неудачи. Чак Норрис ходит убивать.
  8. Чак Норрис не стирает свою одежду, он потрошит ее.
  9. Чак Норрис на 1/8 — чероки. Происхождение тут ни при чем, он сожрал чертова индейца.
  10. На последней странице Книги Рекордов Гиннеса мелким шрифтом указано, что все мировые рекорды принадлежат Чаку Норрису, а в книге просто перечислены те люди, которым удалось максимально к ним приблизиться.
  11. Под бородой Чака Норриса нет подбородка, там еще один кулак.
  12. Вечный вопрос: что появилось раньше — Чак Норрис или удар ногой с разворота?
  13. Чак Норрис каждый день играет с Богом в карты. Географические. На желания.
  14. Заблокировать удар Чак Норриса с разворота сможет лишь сам Чак Норрис ударом другой ноги с разворота
  15. Чак Норрис мог бы отправить Дважды бесконечную сумму денег на счёт благотворительности, но он боится сломать всю экономику Мира на 3728 лет вперёд!
  16. Чак Норрис не боится Липутов.
  17. Чак Норрис опорожняется только 1 раз в год.
  18. Только у Чака Норриса в десятке — 18 фактов.                                                                    http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_Norris